Plastic Doorstopper
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The product comes in useful mainly indoors but in exceptional cases could be used outdoors. The doorstopper protects the objects behind an opening door because it does not let it hit them. For example using the doorstopper in a tiled room prevents the door handle to break or crack the tiles, also protects mirrors and cabinets behind doors.
Fasten the doorstop by the three bores cut for this purpose. The lower two bores are 6.7cm from the ground (not from the bottom of the door). The bore in the middle is 9cm. Adjust the door to the point where it does not touch the object or tiles behind it. Mark the spot of the protruding plastic bar then drill it. Place the doorstop in the bore and push the door at it so the face of the door lies onto the rubber part. Trace the place of the second screw then drill it and fasten it.

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